Brutal Death Metal Lesson

Brutal Death Metal

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  • Hi GMC'ers! In this lesson I'll showcase a few elements of Brutal Death Metal.
    This style is one of the more extreme under the title: METAL and some bands in this style include Nile and Aeon.

    If you are looking to walk the road of extreme metal, this is a good lesson to start with!
    Here you will learn some fast riffs and right use of palm muting. We'll use some minor chords out from the key on the lesson and also some diminished chords.

    Chord Progression:
    * Bm-Fm
    * Bm-Fm-Bm-F#5dim
    * Bm-Cm-Bm- F#5dim

    * Alternate Picking
    * Gallop
    * Palm Muting

    * B minor

    * One step down
    * Eb - Ab - Db - Gb - Bb - Eb
    (From thick to thin string)

    * POD xt/x3 (to record)- my presets are on my board

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * My Personal Board
    * General Forum

    Lian Gerbino

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