One String Metal Solo Lesson

One String Metal Solo

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  • Hi GMC!!

    Welcome to my new lesson!! This time, I've recorded a metal solo using Only One String.

    Some time ago, I was invited by Youtuber Mario Freiria to record a metal solo using only one string. The backing track was in E minor so using the first string would be a great option, however I decided to go for the third string (G, which is the minor third in E minor).

    In order to make the solo more interesting I combined different techniques like alternate picking, legato, tapping, bending, vibrato and as it’s a metal solo, I wanted to shred a bit as well.

    The result really surprised me and made me think that sometimes limitation can be a good trick to get more creative ideas. That’s why I would like to incentivize you to use limitation as a way of practice. Besides using ‘only one string’ you could try other limitations like:

    - One finger.
    - Two strings.
    - One scale shape.
    - One note per string.
    - Playing only thirds (roots or fifths).

    Try these 'limitation ideas' and share your takes over this backing track at the forum so I can check it and give some feedback.

    Guitar Tone:
    I’ve used Mercuriall Euphoria for the lead guitar, and Neural DSP Archetype Nolly for Rhythm. These are my lead guitar settings:

    Tempo: 165 bpm

    Key: E minor

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