Lydian Phrasing Lesson

Lydian Phrasing

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  • In today's lesson we'll study the possibilities of the Lydian scale, which is actually the Major scale played from its fourth note. Let's start by taking a look at the formula of that mode:


    If we take the Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th note of that scale, we'll have a Major 7th chord which is going to be found in the backing track. We'll add to that chord an augmented fourth played an octave higher (#11) to bring out the color of the Lydian scale in the chord. To make things a bit more interesting we'll go back and forth between EMaj7#11 and DMaj7#11 chords.

    On the technical side, there are quite a few interesting techniques used such as alternate picking, sweeping and left hand vibrato. As always with these lessons, concentrate on a clean technique and build your speed gradually with a relaxed technique.

    Have fun!

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