Odd Interval Phrasing Lesson

Odd Interval Phrasing

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  • Have you ever felt like your improvisations all sound the same? You always use the same type of licks over and over no matter what kind of style you're playing in? Don't worry, this is very common and we all need sometimes to get some new ideas to spice up your leads. The one that I will share with you today will break your habits by forcing you to use wide intervals that you might not be used to playing.

    In order to achieve this correctly, you need to be very comfortable with the scale you'll be using. For the purpose of this lesson, we'll stick to the simple minor pentatonic scale. We'll be playing in the key of B minor and then C# minor.

    As you go through the examples, make sure to study the rhythm placement as it will make all the licks come alive. Once you are comfortable with this, develop your own licks and improvise using some odd intervals.

    Practice well!


    B 1.jpg


    B 2.jpg
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