Introduction to Major Pentatonics Lesson

Introduction to Major Pentatonics

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  • In today's lesson we'll talk about the Major pentatonic. If you are starting to build your lead chops and have been using the minor pentatonic, this lesson should help you get your playing a little further by enabling you to play in Major keys.

    The theory behind this lesson is simple. Every minor key has a relative major key. To illustrate that let's compare a C Major scale with an A minor scale:

    C Major:


    A minor:


    Notice how both of these scales share the same notes? That's why they are relative scales. Each Major scale has a relative minor scale. That's the same thing for pentatonic scales. Each minor pentatonic has a relative Major pentatonic.

    In other words, if you play an A minor pentatonic and start it from the C note, you'll have a C Major pentatonic scale.

    This lesson will go over the chords of A7, D7 and E7.
    Each time we change chords, we'll play the corresponding pentatonic.

    Memorize everything and have fun!





    A 1.jpg
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