Tarantella Rock - Traditional Folk Dance Lesson

Tarantella Rock - Traditional Folk Dance

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  • Hy guys Joe Kataldo here, today I wanna show you a classical folk dance from my county Italy! In a more rock vein.

    Tarantella Rock

    The Tarantella is an Italian solo dance performed supposedly to cure through perspiration the delirium and contortions attributed to the bite of a spider, Tarantula, at harvest (summer) time, where it originated. It is the most recognized of Italian music, and is the popular theme song of pizzerias and restaurants. Throughout Italy it is different with every region but has the same basic upbeat tempo.

    The arrangement presents fast picking, sliding and muted picking.

    Techniques Focus

    Try to play all the downbeat staccato.

    Theory focus

    In musical notation, the Italian word staccato (literally detached, plural staccatos or staccati) indicates that notes are separated in a detached and distinctly separate manner, with silence making up the latter part of the time allocated to each note. The rhythm is not affected. Notes identified as staccato are often played or sung abruptly and short. They are usually denoted by a dot over the head of the note when the stem is downward, or by a dot below the head of the note when the stem is upward.

    Se you next arrangement,

    Joe Kataldo
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