Fairy's Dance Lesson

Fairy's Dance

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  • Good morrow!

    One day, I woke up after a strange dream - a bunch of fairies dancing to a strange beautiful music on a little hill. I decided to try and come up with a melody which would be good enough to evoke what I have dreamed - this is how the 'Fairy's Dance' was born.

    In Celtic inspired acoustic playing, pulse and melody are the most important, so this is what I focused on, in this lesson. As a listening recommendation - check out Blackmore's Night, Faun, No'mads, to name just a few of the bands which excel in this musical style.

    What will you learn?

    - Celtic acoustic music specific phrasing
    - alternate picking / stamina
    - hybrid picking
    - hammer ons/ pull offs

    Tuning: Standard D - D G C F A D

    Meter: 4/4

    Tempo: 110 BPM

    Scales: D minor

    Tone settings: Godin acoustic guitar straight into the soundboard with a little added reverb in the DAW.

    Check out some other Celtic inspired acoustic lessons: Celtic inspired acoustic lessons

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