Lesson Series: “0 To 60, An Introduction to Alternate Picking” - Lesson 59

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Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson

LESSON #59 - Triple picking and triads

In this lesson we are going to work from the bottom up and learn the backing and then some patterns to go on top of it. We are going to introduce “TRIPLE PICKING” in to our bag of tricks as well. We have done “Double Picking” but this will be our first with triple picking. Let’s get started. user posted image

Here is the Backing Track we are going to be working with: Lesson59backing.mp3

Here is a series of tabs. Let’s take them one at a time.


Here are the GUITAR PRO 5 TABLATURE FILES in one Zip for the previous tabs. This all looks much more complex than it actually is.

Attached File Lesson59_GuitarProFiles.zip ( 2.35K ) Number of downloads: 4

Also, here is the GUITAR RIG 4 Custom Preset that I created for this lesson. It's the same preset used on the backing. Enjoy!

Attached File Lesson59GuitarRig4_Prest.zip ( 5.47K ) Number of downloads: 4

BONUS: Overhanded Tapping

Let’s look briefly at “Overhanded Tapping”. This is a very flashy technique and goes great on stage. I recently used this technique in DANIEL REALPE’s “Heavy Static” Collab here on GMC. Here is a link to the Collab. Some great takes by GMC folks!


Here is a link to my solo take using over hand tapping.


This is essentially a basic tapping/hammering technique. The only difference, is that we are going to do it “Overhand” or with our hand in front of the neck instead of behind it. This means we are going to use our left had in reverse from what we would normally do