Doomsday Lesson


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  • Hi folks!

    It seems that today is the Judgment Day, so why don't we go to heaven with the music?! :)
    I'm sorry that You will not have time to practice this lesson, but in any case, this is my greetings to all of you and whoever survives this day - make a new GMC, so we can hang out and play again! :)

    This lesson uses a lowered tuning, degree and a half down - C#
    Sounds a lot darker and more powerful.

    Tuning looks like this:

    1- C#
    2- G#
    3- E
    4- B
    5- F#
    6- C#

    Guitar : Ibanez SC 3120 Saber J Custom

    Equipment : Sonar8 DAW, Amplitube3/Guitar Rig5 guitar plugin

    Tempo : 140 bpm

    Signature : 4/4

    Chord progression : C#/F#/A/A#

    Key signature :C#

    We going to use a standard pentatonic scale as the basis for a power chord playing and the first box of E pentatonic scale, but note again - tuning is lowered to C#!


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