Inspired by GMC:er Audiopaal Lesson

Inspired by GMC:er Audiopaal

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  • Hello GMC, welcome to a Lesson Inspired by our member Audiopaal, congrats once more Audiopaal!

    We had a competition and now it's time
    for a lesson just as I promised.

    It's in key of E major and we'll be using 2 scales here, E Mixolidian and E major scale. The lesson starts with a riff part and then jumps into solo section so we have like 2 lessons in one, a nice combo.

    Techniques involved here are alternate picking, pull-offs and hammer-ons,different kinds of bends, use of open strings,natural harmonics etc.

    Tempo is 100bpm,you'll find many slow backings so grab your axe and go for it!

    Have fun.

    Muris Varajic

    E Major Scale.jpg

    E Mixolydian.jpg
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