Robben Ford Style Lesson

Robben Ford Style Blues

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  • Hello everybody!

    Time for some blues licks.

    Robben Ford is one of the most innovative modern blues players. His way of phrasing is very tasty and always fun to play. If you watch Robben improvising blues you can realize that he uses modal approach. This simple 12 bar blues doesn't show all what he uses (no way in just 50 seconds) but if you carefully listen to his playing you can hear some cool notes taken from various modes. Also his phrasing with various different syncopated chops adds much more to it.

    In this one I used some notes that are almost his trademark. He mixes blues scale as well as minor and major pentatonic over a major or dominant 7/9 chord. Very often he uses 2nd and 6th instead of min/maj3rd and b7th. That makes his licks very unique sounding and interesting.

    This blues is in the key of C and tempo is 120. Usually when people transcribe this type of 12 bar blues they use 12/8 time signature. I used simple 4/4 instead and got that swing bluesy feel by using triplets. Guitar Pro file is included so there you should have it all.





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