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Todd Simpson

Teaching Platform: Video chat instructor
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Been playing guitar since: 1990

I started playing guitar in my early teens and was mostly self taught. At the beginning my idea was to learn how to play classical guitar. I found out that I was learning much better and faster on my own through practice examples. That is why I have adopted a similar style in my own teaching method-using direct examples with hands on the guitar.
In my late teens, I started playing with bands. My first band was metal one, called "Caustic Thought", and later on I played in various gigging bands playing various styles from blues to pop. Back then, I was very attracted to heavier forms of music. I joined the group "Gnostic" (featuring Atheist drummer Steve Flynn), playing lead guitar and harmonies on their first demo. Later on, this band turned out to be signed. After that, I was a part of a project called "Krestfallen", featuring musicians from all over the globe.

Playing and Influences
My playing style is quite broad. As for the techniques, I am focused on alternate picking and right/left hand speed and synchronization. Many great guitar players have influenced me as a guitarist, some of them are: Paul Gilbet, Tony Mcalpine, Steve Vai, Christopher Parkening, Robert Cray...

I am thrilled to be on GMC and am looking forward to every new student. It’s a great feeling to get feedback from students while I'm helping them get closer to their goals as players and musicians.

More: Todd Shred Journey Course

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