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Marcus Siepen

Location: Krefeld, Germany
Date of Birth: September 8th 1968
Been playing guitar since: 1979

Back when I was around 11 years old my parents wanted me to learn an instrument, they suggested Piano or Saxophone, but since I seriously fell in love with metal back then I picked the guitar... a wise choice. Now, almost 29 years later, I still play the guitar, I still love it, I even became a professional musician with my band Blind Guardian and now an instructor here at GMC.

Playing and Influences
There are so many influences that I can't name them all here, but among the most important ones are for sure bands like early Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, Queen, Jethro Tull or Pink Floyd. My fave players are Toni Iommi, Zakk Wylde, David Gilmour and Michael Schenker.

No matter how good you are on your instrument, you can always improve and learn new things, so could there be a better place to improve your skills than a community like GMC, where a lot of great instructors offer their help, and even more great students are working on their technique? I found GMC by accident, but loved it immediately. I checked out some of the videos and immediately signed up as a student, only later did I become an instructor myself, but aside from teaching my own lessons I will never stop learning what the other guys are teaching here, something that you should do too, so stop reading and grab your guitar instead ;)

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