16th Notes Exercise Lesson

16th Notes Exercise

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  • Hi GMC!

    I'm back with another lesson that will help you work on your timing. This one is completely dedicated to playing 16th notes duration. I'll be showing you a series of interactive exercises which you can incorporate into your practicing routine.

    The focus this time is on 16th notes. 16th notes means that you'll be playing 4 notes per each beat in a measure of music. In other words, we are getting into shredding waters here. Fast passages and runs are often played in 16th notes. Also, funk music heavily relies on your ability to feel, hold and count 16th notes subdivisions of rhythm.

    Take your time with the exercises presented in this lesson and just play along the video. You'll see that with a bit of practice you'll find them easier to execute. You should always stomp your foot and/or count in your head while playing in order to take the maximum out of your practice session.

    Timing is a something we all need to work on, yet a lot of us just don't do it early on until later stages when timing issues become a stumbling block. This is why I'd suggest working on exercises like the ones found in this series of lessons as they will surely help you and the effects will be visible throughout your guitar playing overall. Even though if we can perform different flashy or difficult techniques, if we can't play notes in timing - the playing will sound beginners and sloppy overall.

    I'm sure a lot of you (like I do) struggle with timing, playing in time and keeping beat so don't be shy to let me know about it. I'd be glad to share how I went about it myself. Leave me a feedback in the lesson comments section to let me know how this lesson is working out.

    Let's get working and see you in my next lesson!
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