Whole & Half Notes Lesson

Whole & Half Notes Exercise

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  • Hi GMC!

    In this exercise lesson we are going to work on timing. This lesson will present a series of interactive exercises which will help you practice timing and playing different note durations. The focus will be on whole and half notes.

    Timing is a skill you should start developing early on. It means knowing and feeling when to actually play the notes when jamming with friends, live band or backing tracks. I've seen this skill being neglected by players who focus too much on other aspects of their playing such as technique, scales etc to the point where these guitarists have tremendous problems performing accompanied by a backing track or a band.

    Having good timing and practicing playing in time ultimately means counting in your head and always knowing your place in a beat. This skill is especially important if you are planning to be a rhythm guitarist where flaws can be amplified.

    I know that playing in time is not easy and that it can be tricky to develop on your own if you don't have friends or a band to jam with. This is why I've decided to share some exercises which I also did to help me get better in playing in time, which you can do whenever you've got a moment in your practice regime. Exercises are light to start with yet can have a big impact on your playing.

    See you in my next lesson!

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