How To Play Barre Chords Lesson

How To Play Barre Chords

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  • Hi GMC!

    In this lesson I'll introduce you to playing barre chords. This lesson is great for those who are just starting on the guitar or don't have experience fretting barre chords. If you already know how to play basic chords in open strings positions, use this lesson to extend your knowledge as adding barre chords to your arsenal will allow you to more easily play bunch of songs out there as well as get good foundation for learning other chord types such as 7th chords etc.

    I'll show you how to make your first steps towards fretting full barre chords on the guitar. We'll go together through basic major and minor barre chord shapes and I'll show you tricks on how to play any other major or minor barre chord out there just by re-using the shapes and starting them on different notes.

    Barre chords are a bit tricky at the beginning, but they are very useful and help you practice technique of fretting several strings at the same time using just one finger which is a technique on its own often used when playing the guitar.

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