Mastering the Fretboard Lesson

Mastering the Fretboard

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  • The "Mastering the Fretboard" lesson covers an exercise that will help develop a greater understanding of the relationship of notes up and down the fretboard by exposing patterns. This is done through the explanation and exploration of modes as well as their relationship to the diatonic seventh chords. We also look at circular picking, a technique that will add speed and accuracy to your playing. Together these concepts can improve your soloing technique and composition.

    Techniques introduced:

    Circular Picking
    Playing Modally

    Key: C
    Chords: CM7, Dm7, Em7, FM7, G7, Am7, B half dim 7
    bpm: 120

    Scales used in the lesson:

    C Ionian


    D Dorian


    E Phrygian


    F Lydian


    G Mixolydian


    A Aeolian


    B Locrian


    When you put it all together it looks like this:

    From this course:

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