Rock Ballad Solo in A Minor Lesson

Rock Ballad Solo in A Minor

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  • Hi everyone!
    I'll show you a rock ballad solo with some nice melodies.
    We will be "walking" - playing melodies in different positions

    The solo can be separated into three sections:

    In the first section we will use the A pentatonic scale combined with
    the blues scale in it's first position.
    We can hear a slide between two notes in the beginning followed by a melody on two strings,
    and ending with the blues scale. We will repeat this part, but the melody on two strings will continue.

    The second section begins with a little delay because we will shift from the first position of the A minor scale to the second. The solo continues with some added cromatic notes.
    You can hear a basic blues pattern here, and a melody ends the line, which will take us to the next section. Here we will play in the A minor scale.

    The third section contains only melodies. We will repeat the same melody on an octave higher as well, and we will stay in the A minor scale.
    Basically the whole lesson is played in 3 different positions. The A blues pentatonic scale in three modes that has an added modes of the A minor scale while playing the melody. There is a little cromatic scale added to make the melody more interesting.

    In this lesson we will use:


    Enjoy practicing!

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