Minor Funk Solo Lesson

Minor Funk Solo

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  • Hello friends, welcome back to the site of the secrets of the guitar! I'm very happy to reunite again with you in this great community. Today, We'll be looking a very particular style influenced by the melodic and Funk / Blues. This is an interesting way to further research the application of taste when performing solos. The big secret in this type of melodic items, is in the harmony. One solo should be accompanied by a excellent backing track. The use of the scale is not extravagant, the trick lies in the simplicity and implementation of pleasant melodies. If you pay attention, I use simple drawings of the minor blues scale and minor scale. Some artists like Prince, George Benson, Pat Metheny, Lee Ritenour have managed to create very beautiful songs in this category.

    Each has his technique, as I have mine. It is necessary to respect the movements of the pick, nor linked. The important lesson is to capture the expression, vibrato, how to execute the melody. The melody must be visible all the time.

    In this lesson is important to use a sound with good sustain generated by a compressor with delay and reverb. Also, I use an amp simulator Roland JC-120, with a little gain. My search was based on bluesy sound.

    F 9/M7 - E7 / 5 + - Am7add11 - Gm7add11 - C7add11 - Dm11 - Fm6 - Em7 - Fm7add11 - F / G - G9

    Palm muting
    Alternate picking
    Sweep piking

    A Minor scale + blue note

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