Add9 Power Metal Ballad Lesson

Add9 Power Metal Ballad

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  • Hi GMC'ers! In this lesson I've tried to catch the spirit of early Metallica ballads and compose a Power Metal ballad. I've mainly used add9 chords. These chords tend to sound exotic, and the minor add9s have a sad feel, especially when combined with open strings.

    The song is fairly easy to play, although some chords require bigger fret hand stretches. Remember to relax your hands before trying these stretches, and if you feel uncomfortable, warm up your hands further. The distortion part is however very easy to play, and you should be able to play it regardless of your level.

    * Add9 chords
    * Open stings/ Chords - exotic tone
    * Riffs

    Tuning D:
    D - G - C - F - A - D
    (from thick to thin string)

    Have fun! / Zsolt

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