Wisdom: Live Forevermore - Solo Lesson

Wisdom: Live Forevermore - Solo

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  • Hey GMC-ers! My band Wisdom will release a new album is a month's time. Like many bands, we've shot a video for one of our songs, "Live Forevermore". I've decided to show you guys how I came up with that little solo from that song.

    First of all I want you to know that the riffs were made before the solo. I had a chord progression laid down and I knew I had very little time to make something interesting and unusual for most of the listeners and guitarists.

    The first thing that came to me was the structure. I always think that the best sounding solos have a melody and some chops that are unusual. I've decided to build up a solo that slowly generates tension. The solo starts off in D minor. I played a simple melody that is catchy in the same key.

    The following part contains the chords as follows: A#, G/B, C, A/C#. I started the solo with a pleasant melody, it would be very unwise of me to play something that is the total opposite of what I did there. So I decided it would sound good if I followed the chords using the root, the third an octave higher, and the root two octaves higher. The pedal-steelish-bends also help build up the tension. You can clearly feel that something's going to happen.

    The first arpeggio part is very uncommon. I made it up evolving Paul Gilbert's string skipping arpeggios, played it in the D Hon-Kumoi-Joshi (3rd modal scale of the Hirayhosi) scale and added tapping. This sounds very exotic and definitely catches the listeners ears.

    In the following section I just followed the chord progression (A#, C) with the Raga Savithri (2nd mode of the Hirayoshi) and came down in C major.

    The last part is the most challenging one and is the very culmination of the solo. The last chord is an A major. I used the first two positions of the A major sweeping pattern and ended with a bended G note to A.

    * Exotic Scales
    * Hammer-ons
    * Pull-offs
    * Arpeggios
    * Sweeping
    * Bending
    * Vibratos

    * Standard D
    * D - G - C - F - A - D
    (From thick to thin string)

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * My Personal Board
    * General Forum

    Remember, practice slow at first and eventually speed it up to the desired speed.
    Have fun Practicing!/ Zsolt

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