Bending Control Lesson

Bending Control

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  • Knowing all the scales in the world won't bring you anywhere if you can't bend. Bending is one of the most important techniques in modern guitar music as without it, you won't be able to make a note really sing. Mastering bending techniques takes a life time. You can always get better at it. I like to compare it to good wine that gets better and better over the years.

    Keep in mind that while bending, you want to have a good grip of your guitar neck. Covering the lower end with your thumb should help you get more control and precision which is what you are after in this lesson.

    We'll use the minor pentatonic scale today in the keys of A and B. The diagrams below are suggested positions for an A minor pentatonic scale covering the whole fretboard. The blue notes represent the root. When the backing track modulates to B, you can simply use the same scale patterns changing its root to B which is a full step higher (2 frets).

    Memorize everything and have fun!

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