Palm Mute Workout Lesson

Palm Mute Workout

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  • Hi GMC and welcome to Palm Mute Workout. :)

    I designed this workout to reach two goals. The first is to practice palm muting, and the second is to improve agility of fretting hand.

    When it's about palm muting, you may notice that I do not keep constantly the same level of muting. I play with the pressure of my palm, sometimes I press the bridge completely, and sometimes just barely touching it. It can give interesting results.

    Now the second thing, I had to make the left hand do something, so I made this "dance" of the fretting hand. Simply, the melody is played with stretching of fingers (mostly the little one) and completely avoiding sliding between boxes.

    I hope you like it :)

    Key signature: D Minor
    Time signature: 4/4
    Tempo: 100 bpm
    Notes: 16th

    Have fun! :)


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