Death Metal Rhythm Guitar Part 2 - Lead Lesson

Death Metal Rhythm Guitar Part 2 - Lead

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  • Hi there, welcome back! This is another rhythm lesson, with focus on the lead guitar on our death metal rhythms. Well, this lesson is the second part of a request on the GMC forum. It was an open request about more "Rhythm Guitar Lesson"

    In this case, we work on a popular style here on GMC: Death Metal. So, you can check out bands like Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, and many many others. We play a simple riff over E minor scale full of licks from the Death Metal style. Thus we play a simple melody over the same Key. So, let's get to work.

    This lesson has 2 parts.
    Death Metal Rhythm Guitar - previous lesson.
    Death Metal Rhythm Guitar - Lead - where we are now!

    Both are lessons about Rhythm Guitar.

    If you have any problems let me know. Take care.

    Guitar tune down 1/2 step
    TEMPO: 160 bpm

    I hope you like this lesson, see you soon.
    Lian Gerbino

    Reminder: in my board you´ll find presets I use for each lesson.

    E minor 5.JPG

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