BB King Style Lesson

BB King Style Blues Licks

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  • Okay GMC, this one is for all you blues lovers in the house :)

    Here we have some of the finest, classic blues licks from one of greatest bluesman in the world. The one and only Mr. B.B.King ;)

    B.B. is known for his great talent and ability to play the melodies directly from his head. And boy, a melodies they are! Phrasing of this guy is legendary, and you can really hear his soul and heart in his playing and singing.

    This lesson is not a difficult one, instead I've tried to give you an insight on B.B.'s main techniques and licks that he uses most often. The most important ones are for sure his signature vibrato and raking techniques. He would mix major and minor pentatonic scales very seamlessly like a true master of blues and the syncopation is very pronounced in his playing. Also the abillity to make a solo from putting together only a few notes and do it good is one heck of a talent if you ask me.

    He said in one interview once:"Sure anybody can play the blues, anybody can do almost anything, but would you like it?" Couldn't agree more.

    Here we have a simple blues 12 bar blues in the key of G. Tempo is (weird) 63.33bpm. Sorry about that one, had troubles translating the shuffled rhythm.

    I'll try to explain a few things as we go along, it really is simple as hell, but maybe a few tips can be useful. :)

    Lesson contains:

    - B.B.King signature licks and techniques
    - Great blues licks
    - vibrato
    - raking
    - bending

    Sound for this lesson: Guitar bridge humbucker, Toneport Fender Blackface 1964 emulation, trebly eq, compressed and little spring reverb added.

    Gminor Blues scale.jpg

    Gminor pentatonic.jpg

    Gmajor pentatonic.jpg
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