Shredding Exercises - Developing Speed Lesson

Shredding Exercises - Developing Speed

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  • I recently read a forum topic started by GMC instructor Marcus Lavendell, and I totally agree with his approach when developing speed.

    This lesson is based on the same concept. The original idea was to show you some alternate picking exercises, but I ended coming up with this somewhat of a Neo-classical solo. Musically it is not much, but the point here was to show you how to play fast playing 16th notes, 16th triplets, and 16th quintuplets.

    I test the theory of pushing it to the limit, to increase your speed. My comfortable speed for playing 16th triplets is at 130-140, at 150 it is already very difficult for me, and at 160 it becomes almost impossible.

    Why do this?
    I have verified many times that playing live is not the same as practicing in your room, so you when practicing I practice faster, and more difficult stuff, so that when I play live I feel comfortable.

    On this one I pushed my self to play 16th triplets at 160 bpm in order to practice, on actual songs I keep it lower, at around 130-140, but when practicing I try to play it as fast as I can, so that it feels comfortable when going back to normal speed.

    The patterns I present here are very common, and probably have been used by every shredder out there. I recommend to start slow, find your comfortable speed, and then decide what is your limit, and push yourself to play it as fast as you can, when you come back to your comfortable speed, you will feel it is piece of cake now, and your playing will fast as well as accurate.

    The key is E Minor, and I occasionally play an off key note to make things easier.

    E Minor.JPG
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