Lesson Series: “0 To 60, An Introduction to Alternate Picking” - Lesson 14

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Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson

LESSON #14 - Building Speed on Open Strings

Lesson Series by Todd Simpson

In this lesson we are going to focus on single string work again to see how fast we can build up our alternate picking speed. This lesson is based on a minor scale and is very similar to our slide based workout on one string from a previous lesson. This difference here is that we are going to go to an open string in between in each note. So in essence, this is a "Pedal Tone" or "Pedal Point" workout similar to our first Pedal Point lesson.

After you hit the open string, you will start doing a Fretted Strike, then two open string strikes. This pattern repeats. It's this "ONE / TWO" picking pattern that gives this lick it's flavor. Try to run it on every string if you can, but only one string as written in the tab is needed for you to "BADGE UP"and pass the Mission. PALM MUTE the entire thing and use strict alternate picking.

Guitar Pro Tab
