Lesson Series: “0 To 60, An Introduction to Alternate Picking” - Lesson 3

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Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson

LESSON #3 - Reversing Patterns /Changing Strings

Lesson Series by Todd Simpson

Lets now add a bit of complexity in and start on a higher string and then go to a lower string. This may feel like playing backwards at first, but it's just a descending patter. This pattern is a great way to work up your right hand, left hand synchronization which is the KEY to alternate picking. start out playing this slow and work your way up. Palm mute it if possible. It will make the notes more distinct and it sounds cool.

Practice time

PRACTICE TIME ( At Least - 30 Minutes)

NEW! Backing Track by Ben (Cael)

Once you get the pattern down at a comfortable speed, start moving the pattern up the neck one fret at a time. You can play it four times then go up one fret, or two times and go up a fret, or even once and then go up a fret. Go all the way to the 12th fret. Practice this for at least 30 minutes out of each practice sesssion this week and see how fast you can get the pattern and still keep it clean. This will really work your left hand and left forearm as well. It's O.K. to feel some tension in your forearm as you will be building up your endurance with this lesson. However, do not play until your arm or hand goes numb or burns.

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Lesson Series by Todd Simpson 130