Angus Young Meets Billy Gibbons Lesson

Angus Young Meets Billy Gibbons

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  • Hey boys and girls, welcome to a new lesson!, some days ago a friend asked me for my two favorite guitar players, so after a quick break i replied Angus Young and Billy Gibbons, even now i don't really know if they are actually my fav guitar players, but i LOVE their playing for sure (they were the first 2 to came to my mind), and i have this idea to make a lesson trying to (and being super humble here) combine their two styles.

    Both are blues oriented guitar players and both ROCKS using one or two scales, and they made and still making hit songs using 3-4 chords!

    So we are using here just 3 chords, one scale and a lot of attitude!

    The chords are:

    And the mighty, blues A scale:
    Hope you all enjoy this lesson, and if you got a question, comment, or just wanna say hi, drop me a line on the feedback, or send me PM over the forums ;)!

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