Bend 'Em All Lesson

Bend 'Em All - Bending Technique Lesson

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  • Hi GMC'ers! The main focus in this lesson is bending. We will play some slow rock composition that has lots of phrases incorporating various kinds of bends.

    Bending is very important and often neglected technique when it comes to guitar playing. Bending is closely related to vibrato as well, so this lesson will help you with that to some extent. Bending gives your playing more expressiveness and helps to accent certain notes, and make them more interesting. Soloing without bends can be good, depending on the style, however they can be quite useful, because notes can sound more natural and even vocal-like.

    There are various types of bends. You can bend the notes a half step, whole step, and more. You can bend with practically every finger, depending on the situation. Usually players tend to bend the most with ring finger, but you can use the index, middle, and even pinky. If you spend some time rehearsing bends, you will improve, and it will show in your playing.

    E minor Pentatonic

    * Bends
    * Vibrato

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * General Forum

    Enjoy!/ Lale

    E minor pentatonic:

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