Dominant 7 Country Progression Lesson

Dominant 7 Country Progression

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  • Welcome to the "Dominant 7 Country Progression" lesson. Here we check out dominant 7 chords and their classic use in country music. Moving from a major chord to its dominant 7 form is a very recognizable change that tends to point us to the next chord. If you can hear it, you can know what's coming next!

    Gear: Seagull S6>AKG P220>Tascam 4X4HR>Pro Tools

    Key: G
    Chords: G, G7, C, D, D7, Am
    Time Signature: 4/4
    BPM: 80

    Scales: (No scales used but these would work well for soling)

    G Pentatonic Major

    G Mixolydian Mode

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