Flamenco Metal Riffing Lesson

Flamenco Metal Riffing

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  • Hey GMC!

    Since you guys have asked me, I have decided to come back and take the idea of combining modern metal with flamenco a bit further. This passage is a part of a song I wrote about 3-4 years ago and it's closely linked with my Flamenco Metal Solo lesson.

    It will help you with understanding how to use the Phrygian Dominant mode in combination with a dropped tuning - Drop C, in order to create this specific mixture of styles. As I have also stated in the spoken video - check out Ill Nino, as they are the best exponent of combining the two styles so far!

    Combining time signatures is also a very interesting approach, as it will bring dynamic into the music - 3/4 is slow and balanced, while 4/4 is a bit more aggressive and straightforward, pulling the listener towards it and bringing him back right away before he realizes what actually happened - rhythm is our friend and it can help us in a lot of ways.

    Let's check out the benefits of this lesson:

    - Right hand/ rhythmic development
    - Alternate picking
    - Phrygian Dominant riffing
    - Mixing time signatures

    Tuning: Drop C - C G C F A D

    Meter: 3/4 and 4/4

    Tempo: 180 BPM

    Scales: C Phrygian Dominant

    Tone settings:

    Gear: PRS Paul Allender guitar connected to the AMT SS20 preamp having the Lead Channel activated with the following settings:

    Bass: 10 o'clock
    Mid: 8 o'clock
    Highs: 1 o'clock
    Gain: 1 o'clock

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