Tersivel: As Brothers Lesson

Tersivel: As Brothers We Shall Fight

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  • Hi GMC'ers! In this lesson you will learn how to play the first track from Tersivel's new album (my band). The song is titled "As Brothers We Shall Fight".

    Studying this lesson you will improve your rhythmic skills as well as your speed and intensity. I will show you how we have composed this song by explaining the theory behind every analysed part.

    Chord Progression:
    * Dm-Eb#m-F#m Intro.
    * Dm- (Cm-Eb) Verse.
    * Bb-Gm-A-Dm Bridge 1.
    * Bm-F#m-G-Em-Bm Bridge 2.
    * Em-F#m-G-Am-G-F#m-Em-D-Em-G-A Chorus.
    * Dm-C#m-Bm-C Extreme part 1.
    * Cm-Bb-Fm-G# Extreme part 2.
    * Gm-Dm-Eb-G#-Fm-Eb-Fm-Gm Outro.

    * Downstrokes
    * Fast Picking
    * Palm Muting

    * B minor
    * D minor
    * E minor

    * One step down
    * Eb - Ab - Db - Gb - Bb - Eb
    (From thick to thin string)

    * POD xt/x3 (to record)- my presets are on my board

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * My Personal Board
    * General Forum

    Lian Gerbino

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