Tersivel: High Germany Lesson

Tersivel: High Germany

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  • Hi GMC'ers! In this lesson I will show you how to play one of the songs from my band's new album. The song is titled "High Germany".
    This song is a traditional tune composed back in 1800. It was played or sang in Napoleon's wars by the soldiers in campaign.

    At the end of the song, we composed a metal jig titled "Erin’s Jig" in honor to Ireland. We hope to keep the spirit of this style alive :) I will show you how to play this song and I will explain the theory behind it in every part of this lesson

    Chord Progression:

    High Germany
    * Em-G-E-D-E
    * G-C-G-Em
    * G-C-G-D
    * Em-G-E-D-E

    Erin’s Jig
    * Em-D
    * Em-C-D-Bm
    * Em-D
    * C-Am-Em

    * Gallop
    * Palm Muting
    * Jig style (down-down-up)
    * Alternate Picking

    * E minor

    * One step down
    * Eb - Ab - Db - Gb - Bb - Eb
    (From thick to thin string)

    * POD xt/x3 (to record)- my presets are on my board

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * My Personal Board
    * General Forum

    Enjoy!/ Lian Gerbino
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