AC/DC Style in E Minor Lesson

AC/DC Style in E Minor

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  • AC/DC Style - 150 BMP - E minor

    Hi guys, today style lesson is on one of my favourite rock band AC/DC, formed in Sydney in 1973 by brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. Although the band are commonly classified as hard rock, and considered pioneers of heavy metal, they have always classified their music as "rock and roll"

    The study is divided in two parts:

    1. a rhythm in the style of Malcom Young (Angus Brother)
    2. a solo in the style of Angus Young

    The rhythm part it's a quite easy riff, alternating between E5 and A5, but to play it correctly you need to archive a good tight staccato sound, in the pocket with drum and bass.

    Correct string muting is on demand, both right and left hands!

    The solo opens with two descending lines against a open E pedal note and then goes through a series of fast blues licks and scale runs, with a sharp use of bending.

    Master each section slowly before attempt the full speed, and don't forget to spend some time having fun with the jam track improvising with some fiery-hot licks of your own.

    See you next lesson,

    Joe Kataldo.

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