The Lost Prophets Style Lesson

The Lost Prophets Style

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  • Hay Gmcer's! I've used this Lost Prophets style lesson to not only show you the things that are unique to their style, but to also show you how to write a variety of riffs for a song using only 4 chords.
    The main chords for the lesson are A5, F5, D5 and C5 .

    Arpeggiated chords in the lesson include A-9, D-9, D-7, F/Bb, C inverted 5th and one A-9 arpeggio shape.

    Tuning for the lesson is Drop D from low to high: D A D G B E

    This lesson focuses on song writing, rhythm, arpeggiating chords, alternate and economy picking.

    I used a multi fx pedal for the lesson.

    You will need 3 bank's:
    1. Clean tone, chorus and delay
    2. Main distortion, gain/distortion between half and three quarters.
    3. Lighter distortion,gain/distortion between quarter and half.

    The backing tracks include a rhythm guitar for you to play with at different tempos.

    The piece has an A minor tonality.
    Tempo is 95 BPM in 4/4.

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