Arpeggios - 2 Notes per String Lesson

Arpeggios - 2 Notes per String

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  • Hello GMC! :)

    This lesson is all about Arpeggios, 2 notes per string patterns. It means that we'll have pretty much of stretches here. Fingering wise I used only index and pinky, somehow that's the easiest way for me to "track" things here. However you can use more fingers if you like.

    I would say that this lesson is real "Brain Trainer". :) You have to be very careful and concentrated all the time to get this lesson right.

    You'll see that many arpeggios here are very similar, with only one or two notes difference. Stay focus, do it slowly first to memorize all patterns. I used only simplest arpeggios here, majors and minors, nothing else.

    We'll be playing intervals on each string all the time, here's the list to guide you.

    Major chord intervals:
    -major 3rd interval between root and 3rd
    -minor 3rd interval between 3rd and 5th
    -perfect 4th interval between 5th and root (in octave.

    Minor chord intervals:
    -minor 3rd interval between root and 3rd
    -major 3rd interval between 3rd and 5th
    -perfect 4th interval between 5th and root (in octave).

    Tempo is 90bpm, 16th notes, key of A major with short modulation to its relative minor,F# minor. Scales involved here are A major scale and F# harmonic minor.

    Practice hard!

    Muris Varajic

    A major scale.jpg

    F sharp harmonic minor.jpg
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