Chromatic Fusion Lesson

Chromatic Fusion

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  • Dear students, it's time for a chromatic lesson! The chromatic scale is a very unique scale because it can be played on every chord that you can imagine. That is because the chromatic scale is a scale that includes every possible note on the guitar.

    However, mastering that scale is not as easy as it seems. Making it sound good requires preparation and hard work. One of the things you need to keep in mind while playing chromatic is to use a steady rhythm to give it an endless flow kind of feel. Also, the important thing is to resolve on an important note of the original key.

    The following licks should help you get into that amazing scle and be a starting point for you to come up with your own licks. The key of the track is in C Dorian. We'll play chromatic along with the Dorian scale and the minor pentatonic.

    Have fun!



    Penta 4.jpg

    Penta 1.jpg
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