Greg Howe Techniques Lesson

Greg Howe Techniques

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  • Hi GMC! This is my first lesson. I hope you enjoy it. To start I chose Greg Howe´s style. As you may know Howe is a great rock fusion guitarist, he´s got many technical resources: legato, sweep picking, tapping, alternate picking and an extense musical vocabulary. I recommend you to listen as much as you can about this incredible guitarist.

    In this lesson I use:
    -Sweep picking

    The chords progression is:

    //:C#m 7/ % / C maj 7/ % /Bm 7/ % /Bbmaj 7/ % ://

    The Tempo is quarted = 120

    -C#m7 I play: C#m blues scale/ C#m arpeggio/ C# dorian
    -Cmaj7 I play: Cmaj7 arpeggio/ C Lydian
    -Bm7 I play: Bm pentatonic/ B Dorian
    -Bbmaj7 I play: Bbmaj7 arpeggio/ Bb Lydian

    Listen to the "colors" each mode creates. Practice each section slowly and coordinated, and increase the velocity gradually.

    Enjoy the lesson! See you soon!

    Bm Dorian:

    Bb Maj 7 arpeggio:
    C lydian:
    B minor pentatonic:
    Bb lydian:
    C Maj7 arpeggio:
    C#m blues scale:
    C#m Arpeggio:
    C#m Dorian:
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