Tapping and Legato Lesson

Tapping and Legato Lesson

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  • Hi GMC!!

    In this lesson we'll work a bit on Legato and Tapping. Mostly I played 3nps shapes with my left hand and I added one note with right hand. There are few spots where I played just 2 notes with the left hand plus one with right hand, which gives us 3nps shape again (Greg Howe plays this type of licks a lot). Speaking of that kind of tapping, some notes here are fretted only with left hand and without picking, so we have 2 handed tapping as well.

    This lesson offers a fine way to gain more power within your left hand cause I used the pinky and ring finger together all the time.

    Timing is of great value of course so be careful, it is all in 16th notes but these licks will push you to play ahead of beat.

    Legato And Tapping Lesson contains:
    -Taping with both hands
    -String skipping
    -D minor and D harmonic minor scales

    Hope you'll like this one,have fun!!

    Muris Varajic

    Dm Scale.jpg

    Dm Harmonic.jpg
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