The Motto is Oops Lesson

The Motto is Oops

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  • Here is a tune I wrote for the guitar course I will be doing for Swedish "Studio32". The whole idea was to get a melodic solo which contains som fancy techniques - without sounding like a bunch of exercises put together. In order to do this, it is important to end the faster licks with a strong note or a little melody. Otherwise the whole thing becomes an excuse to play fast.

    I believe the coolest songs are the simplest ones, consequently "The Motto is Oops" only contains three chords (!!). Since there is no change in key, it would be possible to stay in the E minor/Aeolian scale. However, If you want your solos to stand out, and not sound like the year was 1950 and you just discovered the pentatonic scale, you should try to land on the stronger, chord tones (see below).

    Chord progression:


    Em: E-G-B
    C: C-E-G
    B: B-D#-F#
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