Dance-Pop Rhythm Lesson

Dance-Pop Rhythm

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  • Hello GMC. In this lesson we are going to see a dance-pop rhythm I used the key of C# minor in this lesson, which it has a unique sound and some progression chords in different positions. This style of music depend on rhythm more than solo. So it's very important to know how to play almost dance & pop rhythms. I also did a small part of rhythmic solo in C# minor. The progression chords are C#m/A/B/E/E5/E7Maj/F#m/F#5/C/G#m.

    The GP5 file is a full track as the clip also you can find the chords in the main tabs.
    4 backing tracks: 123 BPM, 80 BPM, 40 BPM, 30 BPM.
    Gear: stratocaster - demarzio pickups - lag spitfire preamp.

    Have a nice practice and dance with dance-pop rhythm.

    Csharp minor.bmp

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