Sweep Etude Lesson

Sweep Etude

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  • Hello GMCers and welcome to Sweep Etude!

    In this lesson we'll play some kind of neoclassical chord progression using Sweep Picking only. It's in a key of Bm and most of the chords are taken straight from B Harmonic Minor except of few chords such as B major and E#dim7.

    B major has a role of dominant chord over 4th degree which is Em chord, and E#dim7 dominates over 5th degree, that would be F# chord. Tempo is 120 bpm and most of the time we'll be playing 16th triplets.

    Sound wise, I used UAD DSP card and its plug-in called Nygel. Not sure if someone else has the same or similar type of card, if do just let me know and I'll give you the preset I used. :)

    Have fun practicing!

    Muris Varajic

    B Harmonic Minor.jpg
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